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Monday - Friday
11h30-14h 18h-22h
Ouvert tous les jours sauf le Mardi 11h30-14h  18h-22h

Google map

Add stylish google maps using coordinates. You can control the size, have custom map marker, animation on the marker and even custom message with shortcodes to display on click

Google map

About enovathemes

We create high quality premium WordPress Themes since 2014. Our main goal is to deliver fast fully-functional nice-looking premium WordPress themes of various categories.

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About enovathemes

We create high quality premium WordPress Themes since 2014. Our main goal is to deliver fast fully-functional nice-looking premium WordPress themes of various categories.

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About enovathemes

We create high quality premium WordPress Themes since 2014. Our main goal is to deliver fast fully-functional nice-looking premium WordPress themes of various categories.

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About enovathemes

We create high quality premium WordPress Themes since 2014. Our main goal is to deliver fast fully-functional nice-looking premium WordPress themes of various categories.

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© 2022 Copyright Agence R

Created with love by Agence R